The team at SafeTTag™ have created a mobile application for iOS Devices. By using the App, you are able to gain access to range of additional features to make the management of your portable appliance and machinery even simpler.
The additional Features of the Safe T Tag App includes:
GPS Locating
Using the power of your mobile device’s GPS, the apps can locate your position and will automatically suggest the location where you are working in when you are conducting your testing, tagging applying a SafeTTag.
QR Code Reader
The apps have their own QR Code reader that you can use when applying a Safe T Tag to automatically quickly and easily load the details of the appliance or equipment you have applied the SafeTTag on.
Enhanced Mobile Responsiveness
The apps are designed specifically for use on mobile devices. This means that buttons are larger, the view is customised and it is a much better mobile experience.
QR Code Launcher
By using any QR code reader on the QR code attached to a Safe T Tag, the app will automatically load and direct you to the page to log the details of the SafeTTag.